Showing posts with label Art Doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Doll. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Messy Perfection - Living and Loving our Uniqueness

When I pick up a brush to begin painting, I load my palette with all the colors I think I will want, all the colors that feel right. I don't add them as I'm going along. I want all my choices "standing at the ready" and contributing to the beauty just by being present. 
My home is much the same way. Every color and pattern contributes to the hodge podge of decor that surrounds me, each carrying its own purpose and appeal. I find comfort in that diversity. I am more of a circular thinker than a linear thinker, and it manifests in how I walk in life. 
The people in my life follow a similar standard - different languages, different religions, different colors, different opinions, all beautiful and honored. I celebrate our Uniqueness and all that we learn from one another. I am grateful for those who walk in the world without the desire to label and separate us from one another. I am grateful for those who have a heart that will Listen, feel Compassion, and Validate another for who they are, and not try to change them into what they think they need to be. I am grateful for those who say "I love you just as you are, right here, right now". 
Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper by Jeanne Fry

I am always perplexed by those who feel the need to change someone else, into something that makes them feel comfortable. They will try to change how you Think and Live, by making you feel uncomfortable about who you are and the decisions you  make. Don't let them. Often they are operating out of Judgment or Fear, not necessarily to honor your highest good. 

"Celebrate your Uniqueness, every day in every way ! The way you look, the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you talk, they way you think, the way you love, and the way you pray, makes you the glorious person you are. There is no other like you. 
We are all splotches on the palette, all contributing our own beauty to the artwork of Life. We are unique and messy and Perfection". 
Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper by Jeanne Fry

Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper Art Doll by Jeanne Fry


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Star Being Wishes - a Wisdom Keeper Spirit Doll

Dear Human, 
I came from the Stars, just for You. 
I came from the Stars because I heard your spirit making wishes. 
I came from the Stars because I sensed your worry. 
I came from the Stars, to help You. 
Star Being Wishes a Wisdom Keeper Spirit Doll Cloth and Clay

Please find a safe loving place to keep me, where you will see me every day and where you can hear me when I remind you that....
💙there is always a light shining, even in the darkest of places...
💙that I don't want you to lose hope while you are waiting on your wish, because sometimes that means when it comes it will be extra special.. because we worked extra hard on it for you....
💙that in the meantime while you are waiting and wishing, be happy - dance - enjoy every moment - don't waste them because they are too precious....
💙and that, we are watching you from the Stars, we are cheering you on, and we will light the way. 
Star Being Wishes a Wisdom Keeper Spirit Doll Cloth and Clay
We're in this together.
Love in all ways,
From just one little Star who loves you

You can find "Star Being Wishes" on my Etsy here

Monday, February 6, 2017

Pearls and Power - a Spirit Doll for Women's Empowerment

Pearls and Power
This beautiful Goddess may at first appear as a delicate feminine flower, but underneath that soft exterior is a powerful warrior. Her journey has taught her many lessons over time, and while some of those lessons were brought with ease and swiftness, others were more difficult mountains to climb. No matter the mode of the lesson though, she kept the beautiful wisdom that she received from them all. 
Pearls and Power - a Cloth and Clay Spirit Doll for Women's Empowerment

She carries both the light and the dark - the yin and the yang - the masculine and the feminine. It allows her to embrace the beautiful Goddess essence while also being the strong warrior that is sometimes needed. 
Pearls and Power - a Cloth and Clay Spirit Doll for Women's Empowerment

She is connected to the Ocean - the Water - the flowing energy of healing and emotion. It has brought her a more complete balance of head and heart, of love and life, of Heaven and Earth. 
Yes, do not underestimate this delicate flower, for she has bloomed into a warrior of
Pearls and Power. 


Her Sacred Heart a Woman in Prayer -Gourd and Clay Spirit Doll Figurative Sculpture

When she is happy, she stands in prayer.
When in sadness, she stands in prayer. 
When she is worried, she stands in prayer. 
And when she is afraid, she stands in prayer. 

Her Sacred Heart a Woman in Prayer - Gourd and Clay Spirit Doll

Her prayer is a part of her, like a deep breath, 
it is natural and complete. 
It keeps her focused, reassures her heart, and 
allows her to keep Standing. 
Each word that she speaks, each step that she takes,
are in alliance with her Sacred Heart. 
Her Sacred Heart a Woman in Prayer a Gourd and Clay Spirit Doll

You can see more of "Her Sacred Heart" in my Etsy here

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Tea and Healing Prayers with Persephone - Art Doll for the Big C

"Tea and Healing Prayers with Persephone" is a meaningful Spirit Doll that was created for the strong and beautiful Cancer Warrior who is battling the "Big C". A story card accompanies her that reads:

"Persephone was created for you, to be your companion, your secret friend, your Warrior Sister against the Big C. She was created in prayer and infused with love throughout each hand stitched moment. Her colors were chosen to bring Renewal and Vibrance. She was designed to hold comfortably, when you Pray, Meditate, when you're afraid or alone, and most especially when you take cherished moments for Tea. 
She knows that the medications can make you feel bad, and she is here to sit with you while you drink your tea to comfort your belly. She will help to remind you that "this too shall pass". 

Tea and Healing Prayers with Persephone Spirit Doll for the Big C Cancer Warrior

Persephone whispers:  "Everything is going to be okay. You are loved and watched over, always. The hard moments will pass and softer gentler moments will replace them. We've got this, together we will walk through the struggle, hand in hand. The Big C will soon be a distant memory. We are stronger than it knows. Everything is going to be okay".
You Are Loved. "

Tea and Healing Prayers with Persephone Spirit Doll for the Big C Cancer Warrior

You can find Persephone in the Etsy shop here

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women - Art Doll

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women learns not only about the glory of being a Woman, but finds sage wisdom from the Turtle Women. This special clan of women offers support and guidance to one another, walking hand in hand through each of their spiritual journeys. 
Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll

Little Sister is learning to keep a balanced spirit, how to honor her emotions, but not let them completely dictate her decisions. She is recognizing the connection of head and heart, "feelings" and "knowing". She is on a path of living her life for her own highest good, and learns each day the importance of putting her needs first. 
Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

The Abalone Turtle Women carry special wisdom learned from the Turtle - about the Feminine, Motherhood, Healing, and Growth. They carry Abalone as a reminder of emotional balance. 

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll

Little Sister of the Abalone Turtle Women Art Doll


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mama Muse a Whimsical and Vibrant Spirit Doll to Inspire the Creative Soul

There are times as artists that we take ourselves TOO seriously. The fearful side of our humanity can  interfere in our processes, tricking us into worrying about perfection instead of enjoying the journey. Mama Muse brings a much needed nurturing energy that suggests instead of worrying how others perceive your art - to focus on how it makes You feel.
She urges you to not think about the end result, the marketing and the sale, but to instead think of your art resonating with another's soul and it's contribution to the world. 
When Mama Muse is near she brings an infinite flow of creative energy, ideas atop ideas, of new works, new mediums, and inspiration to continually master your skills. 
Mama Muse is infused with every color of the rainbow and ideas that break through our societal divides. She carries the wisdom of the elders, and the exuberance of the youth. 
Mama Muse a Whimsical Colorful Spirit Doll Wall Hanger

She inspires one to color OUTside of the lines, to mix stripes and polka dots, to wear purple in their hair, to leave the dishes until later, to explore, to be adventurous, to learn by doing, and to leave the inner critic at the door.

Mama Muse Cloth and Clay Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

Mama Muse inspires us to create the world we wish to see.
Mama Muse a Handmade Art Doll for Creative Inspiration by Jeanne Fry

She is available in my Indiemade shop here
Mama Muse Spirit Doll Wall Hanger

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sapphire of the Sea - A Mermaid with Heart

She was always told that one person can indeed make a difference, and that belief has fueled her throughout her life. Sensitive to things around her, she has never allowed herself to feel as if there is never any hope. Each day she makes a difference in her world, inspired by the simple belief that she is here for a reason. 
Sapphire, a thirty-something young mermaid, is one of the most beautiful mermaids of the Sea, not only in her outward features but even more so by her big heart. The first word often used to describe her is "kind", which is hugely underrated. 
Sapphire of the Sea- a Mermaid Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

She spends her days quietly performing acts of kindness while sharing her smile and hugs. Over the last few months she has been helping her brothers and sisters in the sea, the turtles and the fish, who keep getting caught up in the fisherman's nets. Each morning, very early, she swims to where the fisherman leave their nets and carefully takes the whole net and swims back to her cove where she then helps release each one of them. Later she hides the net. 
Sapphire of the Sea by Jeanne Fry

The fisherman have been getting frustrated that they keep losing not only their fish bounty but their entire nets each day, and are contemplating moving on to another area (while Sapphire quietly chuckles). The fish and the turtles are ever grateful to Sapphire for her kindness, and they themselves help their sea community to pay it forward. 
Mermaid Art Doll by Jeanne Fry Art
Beaded Mermaid Tail 
Side View of Sapphire of the Sea
The Kind Heart of Sapphire of the Sea
Sapphire of the Sea is a Handmade Beaded Cloth and Clay Art Doll created by Jeanne Fry for adult collectors.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fearless - A Spirit Doll for Encouraging Bravery while Redesigning one's Life

We all have it, that thing that holds us back from living the life we're meant to live. It feeds our Inner Critic all the things it can to make sure we don't try new things. If you let it, it will hold your Soul in a perpetual state of anxiety afraid of your own capabilities, other people, and even the world. 

It also can present itself in small almost unseen ways, quietly slipping in, and holding us just enough that it doesn't stop us from living life - but it will interfere by lowering our expectations of ourselves. It will whisper in our ears to only put ourselves out there...just a little if flying under the radar...trying to convince us that living "safe" is the answer. Of course, there is a difference in living safe and not fully putting your heart into something. If you only give fifty percent, you'll never receive the fullest potential. 
Fearless Spirit Art Doll by Jeanne Fry Art

And then there comes the day, that miraculous and long awaited day, when your gentle Spirit screams inside....
"Let me OUT ! I want to Live ! I want to dance in the rain and sing on the mountain tops. I want to take my brush and paint everything I see, purple and red and orange and yellow. I want to DO the things that other people write about. I want to love without fear and laugh without limits.  I want to trust my own voice and see where it leads me. I want to live, FULLY live, this one Life that I have. 
And when the spirit has finished her plea, the glass wall of fear shatters into a bunch of meaningless, powerless shards that crumble into nothingness. And what is a beautiful blank white canvas...waiting for You to start painting your new reality. 
Fearless Spirit Art Doll by Jeanne Fry Art

This is a moment to celebrate,to honor like a new birth. And it is this moment that inspired my creation of the "Fearless" Spirit Doll, an honoring and a reminder of how you got here, why you're here, and to cheer lead Each Step Forward. 
Fearless Spirit Art Doll by Jeanne Fry Art

The "Fearless" Spirit Art Doll is available in my Etsy shop here

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Pumpkin Queen - Royalty from the Pumpkin Patch

Be careful while out walking through the pumpkin patches, my friends, for Fall is here and the Pumpkin Queen is hurrying about in a very busy state. She must make sure that everything goes as planned, so so busy with all these holidays. It's not just Halloween that keeps her on the go, but Fall itself, Thanksgiving, and even Christmas. She is in charge of an entire Season and that's a lot of pressure on anyone. 

Pumpkin Queen Folk Art Doll Wall Hanger by Jeanne Fry

Thank goodness that the gnomes and faeries are here to help her, but still....she works from sun up and late into the night. Every leaf has to be just the right fabulous color and every pumpkin has to be plump and ripe. 
Pumpkin Queen Folk Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

She is a kind queen, but at the same time - there will be no slacking off ! The humans rely on her to bring them this highly loved time of year. They have expectations and she will not let them down. 
When she walks down the rows of the pumpkin patches, inspecting each one, the squirrels and the birds all stand to attention for her. Two cardinals hold onto the train of her dress, filled with fall leaves that have latched on along the way. 

Pumpkin Queen Folk Art Doll Leaf Skirt by Jeanne Fry

She won't have a rest until before Christmas, when olde Kris Kringle will take over duty. 
So be very mindful when out on those chilly afternoon walks, you just never know where she might be. You will know when she is nearby if you see Mother and Father Cardinal. If you see the cardinal couple, it usually means that the Pumpkin Queen is hiding out of sight, nearby. 

Pumpkin Queen Folk Art Doll Wall Hanger by Jeanne Fry

The Pumpkin Queen Folk Art Doll is listed in my Etsy Shop. She was created for adult collectors and not for children. She is designed as a Wall Hanger for easy display. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Spirit of Mardi Gras contained in an Art Doll

I have long been enchanted by the Art of the Venetian Carnival, Mardi Gras, Mask Making, the Colors, the Clothing, and the Culture. This love inspired a new Art Doll...aptly named "The Spirit of Mardi Gras". I wanted the art doll to portray that feel in a sophisticated yet subtle way. 

The Spirit of Mardi Gras - a Cloth and Clay Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

Close View of The Spirit of Mardi Gras Art Doll
The Spirit of Mardi Gras - Wisdom Keeper Art Doll by Jeanne Fry
She is listed in my Indiemade Shop here

Friday, July 3, 2015

Mermaid Wisdom from Cher, the Diva of the Ocean

"Listen darlings, if you want to Live an amazing have to Believe in that amazing life" explained Cher. As she leaned against the coral ridge sipping wine from a lovely weathered conch, more and more young mermaids quickly swam up to join the circle and listen. Cher was their idol and news had traveled quickly through the cove that she was spending time at a meet and greet before her performance. The girls were giddy with excitement, for not only was Cher the most beautiful mermaid in the sea, her spirit was even more gorgeous. 

Her soul sparkled, colorful and vivacious, filled with edgy humor and goddess wisdom.When she entertained, the ocean seemed to stand still, mesmerized by the beauty and power that escaped her lips. 
"Now, I don't ever want to see you looking down and feeling defeated, that doesn't become your pretty faces. You can achieve whatever it is that's in your heart. If you can dream it, you can live it !" continued Cher. "Understand, darlings?" 
Oh yes, they all exclaimed. They would remember, forever. 

Cher loved those moments, for she was taught when she was young, the power of words. She vowed many years ago to always pass the power on, lifting and strengthening the circle of women.

This mermaid is listed in my Etsy shop here
Cher Diva of the Ocean Mermaid Art Doll on Etsy 

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Things I Learned from a Seahorse...

Last night I sat down to try and organize the massive chaos in my tote bags and on my desk. Piles of post-its, jotted down notes, business cards, and notebooks with the "all so important" lists that I live by surrounded me.
 I began putting things together and writing things in my calender, then adding more and more things to those lists. Art ideas, gallery opportunities, doctor appointments, supplies I need to buy, studios for rent, damn I forgot to pick up glass cleaner at the grocery store, and planning.......planning....planning. I could feel myself getting overwhelmed thinking of all the things I need to be doing while the world is moving so fast. It seems like everybody wants things...Yesterday...and I am constantly trying to keep up. A big deep sigh escapes from my lips when I know that all I really want to do is Paint and Breathe. Another even deeper sigh comes when I look at what's in front of me and realize that I am spending more time "planning" than I am "living".

Lessons from a Seahorse is an OOAK Poetry Pillow Art Doll

I thought of the Seahorse, floating around in that big beautiful ocean. The current rushes through pushing and pulling everything about, taking control of whatever isn't strong enough to hold their own. I could see the Seahorse grabbing onto some nearby sea grass and wrapping his tail around it, catching his breath in the process. He knows he needs to slow down and take care of himself, careful not to get swept up into something bigger than he can handle. He knows how to enjoy each moment and how to create the life that makes him feel most comfortable.  Seahorses are known as the Buddhas of the Ocean.

And this inspired my creation of a new Poetry Pillow Art Doll....

"She at long last found herself in a space of Contentment. Here she is able to Breathe and savor every single moment. She doesn't need to hurry through them any longer...for she now exists for each delicious minute of her Journey."

She has SOLD.
While she is an Original creation, please contact me if you would like me to make you one similar.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Seeker - Gazelle Woman Cloth and Clay Figurative Sculpture Art Doll

The Seeker is a young Gazelle woman, carrying both the Inspiration of the Feminine, and the gift of Gazelle Wisdom. She has come of age, a young woman, who is now ready to embark upon her life. She has the freedom to explore and the strength and swiftness to follow her path. The choices available to her are limitless, and it is up to her and her alone to create what her life will now be.
While there is a part of her that wants to find contentment in creating a family and staying in her childhood community, there is a greater part of her that wants to travel and see everything that the world has to offer.
Grandmother Gazelle had known of the young woman's adventurous spirit since she was a small child, and had imparted her with Gazelle wisdom so that when she grew older she would have the ability to release her free spirit  and run with speed and confidence toward her dreams. 
And so she did, with a shoulder bag of maps and a scroll marked with a wish list of destinations.

"The Seeker" is Number One in a collaborative series of artwork being created by myself Jeanne Fry, and by Tarah Singh. This collaboration titled "The Journey of a Woman" is a 2D and 3D project created to explore the many phases of a Woman's Spiritual Journey through Life. Archetypes and Symbolism are fluent throughout each piece representing her evolution. The series is comprised of 2D paintings by Tarah Singh, and 3D Figurative Sculpture Art Dolls by Jeanne Fry.

Figurative Sculpture by Jeanne Fry ~ Original Painting by Tarah Singh

 The Seeker (Original One of A Kind) Cloth and Clay Figurative Sculpture

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wise Woman Rising - a Gourd Art Sculpture for Empowering the Feminine

Generations have passed, those years anxiously waiting for the Shift of energy, the energy of the Feminine to re-emerge. Not only our individual souls, but the soul of Mother Earth, have been anticipating the space in time when we as women Rise and reclaim our power. 

Mother Earth has waited, and not so patiently, for us to come and Stand with her. The Strength that we as women possess, to watch over, nurture, and make decisions for the highest good is being called to step in and save her from the corruption and greed that ravages her spirit. She also knows that we have had our own inner and outer battles, the battles of claiming and sustaining our own personal power within this "man's world". But, the struggle of working through those lessons has now brought us to that point of readiness. Our perpetual learning over the years about ourselves and our abilities has given birth to our  Wise Woman Warrior, who awaits at the ready to "Stand". 

The Wise Woman has arrived, residing deep in our belly. She carries  a staff of Strength, a strength that keeps us going even in the darkest of days, because we are resilient beings. She holds a balance of the Sun and the Moon, blending an ultimate positive love along with the heart and belief of the mystic. Her Faith in herself and that of the Divine Feminine reassures her that her noble path of inspiring, guiding, and protecting is what she is meant to do. 

The Wise Woman Warrior is here to Stand, as strong as the Oak tree, flexible but unwavering. She stands with you, your family, the friend who needs a shoulder, the stranger who needs kindness, and Mother Earth who needs  repair. 
The Wise Woman Rises, placing one hand in yours while the other hand beckons another "sister". She cries out, the calling to unite us once again.
The Wise Woman Protects, continually letting you know that everything will work out, because the Universe wouldn't treat your authentic spirit in any other way.
The Wise Woman Warrior is You.

Thank you for your Arrival,


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The Arrival a Women's Empowerment Spirit Doll

The Arrival is one of my most popular spirit dolls, inspired from a poem that I wrote some years ago.  The Arrival "I...