Understanding the Wild Woman

She doesn't have time to waste worrying about what others think about her. She doesn't read the Reviews. This life is her "One Woman Show".
She is the Director, the Producer, and she Designs the stage. Each day is her performance art.
There is no Playbill, it is all Improv. It is her truth, her hopes, and her dreams.
She decided to stop thinking small and to stop living small. The cookie cutter life is not for her.
Her spirit is too large to live inside the box of "should", and once she had stepped out of it she found she was in the land of "could".
She has learned to be more discerning about who gets to join her on her stage. There are those who will try to steal your lines, those who will try to upstage, and even those who will try to take control and make it their own. So some won't get a call back, and others may just be given a small tight role. After all, this IS her production.
She doesn't much care about how many people show up. What she does care about is that each day she goes out there and gives it her all, follows her heart, speaks her truth, listens with sincerity, inhales love, and exhales joy.
This is the Life and the Passion of the Wild Woman.
This Wild Woman Art Doll is an Original Sculpt of Cloth and Clay, along with Purple Batiks and Beaded Felt. She was designed as a Wall Hanger and is ready to be displayed in any room.