Indian Summer was inspired by the beautiful time when summer is leaving and Fall is arriving, that gorgeous burst of color that begins to emerge, a warm and passion filled pallete.
This is my favorite time of year, that reminds me of childhood memories of candy apples and apple cider, chilly mornings and light jackets, long winding roads lined with colorful leaves, and the coming of family holidays.
Indian Summer Gourd Art Doll by Jeanne Fry
Fall probably became my favorite season when I was a child in the Northeast. I remember going to the "Cider Mill" every year. This was such a magical place, to me. You could go and watch them making Apple Cider and Donuts through the window lined hallway. The front was dotted with large barrels that were filled with every kind of candy apple you could imagine. Jams, Jellies, Scarecrows, and Fall crafts lined the shelves. At the back of the building was a playhouse, so that during your visit you could take your goodies to the back, have a seat, and watch a live play in the playhouse.
I loved walking the long country roads that were decorated with Mother Nature's splash of colors and the cool air that made you feel alive.
The smells peremeated the air with women baking...zucchini breads, banana breads, nut breads, and oatmeal cookies. And it was the time of the crockpot, where the food would slowly cook all day, making you wait and savor the meal you were going to receive.
These are just a few reasons why, Fall is my absolute favorite season.
My hope is that "Indian Summer" reminds you of some of these things.