Showing posts with label comfortable in your skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comfortable in your skin. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Messy Perfection - Living and Loving our Uniqueness

When I pick up a brush to begin painting, I load my palette with all the colors I think I will want, all the colors that feel right. I don't add them as I'm going along. I want all my choices "standing at the ready" and contributing to the beauty just by being present. 
My home is much the same way. Every color and pattern contributes to the hodge podge of decor that surrounds me, each carrying its own purpose and appeal. I find comfort in that diversity. I am more of a circular thinker than a linear thinker, and it manifests in how I walk in life. 
The people in my life follow a similar standard - different languages, different religions, different colors, different opinions, all beautiful and honored. I celebrate our Uniqueness and all that we learn from one another. I am grateful for those who walk in the world without the desire to label and separate us from one another. I am grateful for those who have a heart that will Listen, feel Compassion, and Validate another for who they are, and not try to change them into what they think they need to be. I am grateful for those who say "I love you just as you are, right here, right now". 
Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper by Jeanne Fry

I am always perplexed by those who feel the need to change someone else, into something that makes them feel comfortable. They will try to change how you Think and Live, by making you feel uncomfortable about who you are and the decisions you  make. Don't let them. Often they are operating out of Judgment or Fear, not necessarily to honor your highest good. 

"Celebrate your Uniqueness, every day in every way ! The way you look, the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you talk, they way you think, the way you love, and the way you pray, makes you the glorious person you are. There is no other like you. 
We are all splotches on the palette, all contributing our own beauty to the artwork of Life. We are unique and messy and Perfection". 
Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper by Jeanne Fry

Messy Perfection an OOAK Spirit Doll Wisdom Keeper Art Doll by Jeanne Fry


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