Sunday, September 1, 2013

Goddess of the Milky Way Spirit Doll

This weekend I was inspired to create the "Goddess of the Milky Way". I had spent the week before thinking about how we can often think that our problems are so big and overwhelming that we become paralyzed in discouragement. Sometimes all we need is a little change in perception to remove the road block and move forward.

One evening while sitting on my porch gazing at the stars, I started to think about how very small each of us humans are in this vast we are all just a very tiny part of the bigger picture...and how each of us has the same moon, the same stars, and the same sky shine over us.
Very quickly those things that we all worry about seemed to not matter quite so much. Each new day brings new thought. Each new day brings another stretch of our journey. And each new day we need to remind ourselves not to be distracted away from the Beauty of Life by every day stresses.

The Goddess of Milky Way was created to be that reminder.

If you would like to see more of the Goddess of the Milky Way, you can find her listing here in our Etsy shop here
Goddess of the Milky Way Altered Art Doll on Etsy

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jade the Crystal Healer a Contemporary Gourd and Sculpted Art Doll

Jade the Crystal Healer comes from a special little town in Virginia, exactly half way between Fairy Stone Park and Shenandoah Caverns.
Jade the Crystal Healer, a Gourd and Clay Folk Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

 She lived in the same home as her mother and grandmothers before her, and carried on their tradition of crystal healing. She was taught how to dig for crystals, cut them, polish them, and about the healing properties of every stone that exists. She has dedicated her life to helping others, educating them about their uses and helping each person find just the ones they want and need.
You can see more of Jade listed in our Etsy Shop here
Jade the Crystal Healer Gourd and Clay Art Doll

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Believe" a Gourd and Clay contemporary folk art sculpted Art Doll

We all have those moments when we think that the fulfillment of our dreams is so far away. We try so hard to reach for those stars. Sometimes we make some gain, and then there are moments when we feel like we took ten steps backward. 
"Believe" is hear to remind you that you must visualize your dream, keep it at the forefront of your mind, and "believe" it will come to fruition. 
"Believe" a contemporary folk art gourd and clay sculpture by Jeanne Fry

Negative thoughts and feelings of despair will hold you back even longer, but when you take a moment and close your eyes and see your dream coming true....the Universe hears your request and soon you will have some assistance. She reminds you to stay aware, for answers may be right under your nose. 
There is always a way.
The Universe is abundant and able to provide for all of your wants and needs. One needs only to be open and believe.

"Believe" is a gourd and clay contemporary folk art sculpture.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Sea Turtle Spirit

Sometimes we have those moments when our emotions consume us. They can be at the forefront of our mind and direct the words that come out of our mouths as if we were an actor on a set being instructed by the cue cards.. And while sometimes it can work out, more often than not those are the moments that we wish we could undo.
We humans are passionate beings, always striving to find that balance between the heart and the mind. It's a practice, a lesson that we are continually tested on.
Finding that balance is what inspired one of my new little Wisdom Keepers.
Shelley the Sea Turtle Spirit, a Wisdom Keeper Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

Her name is Shelley, and she is a Sea Turtle Spirit. The sea turtle totem focuses on mastering the balance of emotions. It reminds us of the importance of flowing with the ebb, like the waves in the ocean. It knows how the passion of our feelings is part of the human experience and a beautiful part of our soul, and while we can't just shut them down....we can acknowledge them, accept them, and then release them. We can use them as a tool in our life's path, factoring them into the equation, but not allowing them to take full control. It teaches us wait...and make our decisions with a clear head and heart.
Close View of Sea Turtle Spirit by Jeanne Fry

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Antonella the Sunflower Carrier Folk Art Doll

Antonella is the Sunflower Carrier. She was present during the very first existence of Sunflowers in Tabasco, Mexico and since that glory filled day so long ago she has carried them far and wide. It became loved by many for its numerous uses and is known to some as the fourth sister, to the three sisters of corn, beans, and squash.
Antonella the Sunflower Carrier by Jeanne Fry
But aside from all the uses that exist for the sunflower, Antonella knew that this beauty was a Sun Goddess in her own right. She carries its seed in her pockets, planting and spreading the beauty wherever she travels.


Monday, May 20, 2013

The Red Haired Sleeping Mermaid

Kammie, the Red Haired Sleeping Mermaid, is full of dreams and stardust. While all of her other mermaid sisters are constantly swimming, playing, working, and taking adventures up top to see the humans....Kammie's favorite thing to do is....napping. 
The Red Haired Sleeping Mermaid, Contemporary Folk Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

You see when she was a wee baby mermaid she used to travel to the top with her sisters on adventures. One night as she was sitting on a rocky bank, a shooting star came drifting down through the skies and gently landed in her lap. She was glittered with stardust and soon fell asleep with sweet dreams of beauty and happiness. When she woke she was completely refreshed and felt perfect happiness. 
The stardust became a part of her, making her slumber times a journey to another world where she had her own exciting adventures.
And so today, more times than not, when you see Kammie...she is sleeping with a smile on her face.

The red haired sleeping mermaid is a Contemporary Folk Art Doll by Jeanne Fry that is a beaded creation of cloth and clay.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Loving Mother Earth Contemporary Folk Art Doll and Symbolism

Mother Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature....the personification of the feminine influence that resides over this beautiful botanical garden that we call Earth and all of it's creatures is in my thought processes every day when I am creating. I have such a strong connection with nature and the animals, a mothering instinct, seeing the beauty in all that exists. My appreciation spans from the smallest butterfly cocoon to the tallest redwood tree. 
Loving Mother Earth, Contemporary Folk Art Doll by Jeanne Fry

She is always creating a balance in this circle of life, many times having to recreate the natural order of things to accommodate our human actions. 
She is the focus of my "Loving Mother Earth" folk art doll. I sculpted her face in attempt to capture the balance that she herself holds....a compassionate serene expression that is full of wisdom and at the same time carrying a strength to do what needs to be done. She may even hold a bit of sadness over how we as humans treat her, but still she creates a bounty of beauty for us to live within. She serves as a reminder to think about how we treat the earth we live on, and how we leave it for those that will come after us.
Close up view of "Loving Mother Earth" sculpt
Loving Mother Earth Contemporary Folk Art Doll
She was created as a wall hanger art doll, to display prominently, as a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us each day.


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The Arrival a Women's Empowerment Spirit Doll

The Arrival is one of my most popular spirit dolls, inspired from a poem that I wrote some years ago.  The Arrival "I...